Executive Director

Amos Seidu

Amos is a multi-faceted community development worker with over 15 years of extensive hands-on, practical experience working with the CRIS organization as the Executive Director of the Savannah Region, Ghana. His work includes; management of donor-funded programs on food and nutrition security, governance (advocacy, rights, voice), environmental sustainability, climate change resilience, social and economic empowerment of women and youth.

He has managed a budget portfolio of $100,000 USD in girl child education in 3 districts and 56 communities.

He has a degree in Social Studies from the University of Cape Coast and a teaching diploma in Education. He was elected for 3 terms, of 4 years each, as an Assembly Man for the Damongo electorial area. His role as Assembly Man was to enhance community development on many levels. He is passionate about empowering the girl child and women to elevate their status in their communities and give them a voice for change.