
Raised: 0.00$

Goal: 5,000.00$

Yipala is a small rural village in the Savannah Region of northern Ghana. Residents of Yipala face immense challenges in accessing clean water. The nearest water source is 5 kilometers away, forcing women and children to spend hours each day walking to collect water. The physical burden of carrying heavy loads of water long distances prevents girls from attending school and women from participating in economic activities.

The Yipala Women's Cooperative Society aims to change this by drilling a borehole well in the heart of Yipala. With an easily accessible water source, women will gain time to pursue education, improve small businesses and play a greater role in community life. Access to clean water will also improve health, especially for children susceptible to water-borne illnesses.

A donation of $5,000 will fully fund the drilling and installation of a borehole well. The Yipala Women's Cooperative Society has already obtained the necessary permits and contracted qualified drillers. With help from donors like you, the women of Yipala can start benefiting from this life-changing project within months.

In addition to directly helping the women of Yipala, your gift will support economic development across northern Ghana. As a registered NGO, CRIS Ghana will provide oversight ensuring the borehole is sustainably managed as a community resource. Your donation will be securely received and restricted for use on this borehole project only.

Clean water is essential for life. A reliable borehole well will free Yipala's women and girls from the endless burden of water collection, allowing them to use their time and energy to improve their lives and community. Please consider giving the empowering gift of water today.

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